Hexaware GET: Detailed Information

The GET assessment comprises four primary sections designed to evaluate a candidate’s quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning, verbal ability, and domain knowledge. Here’s a closer look at each section:

  1. Quantitative Aptitude (Quants)

Questions: 20

Time: 60 minutes (shared)

Difficulty Level: Medium

Importance: High

  1. Logical Reasoning

Questions: 20

Time: 60 minutes (shared)

Difficulty Level: Medium

Importance: High

  1. Verbal Ability

Questions: 20

Time: 60 minutes (shared)

Difficulty Level: Medium

Importance: High

  1. Domain-based Knowledge

Total Questions: 30

Time: 30 minutes


Pseudocode: 15 questions

Computer Fundamentals: 15 questions

Difficulty Level: High

Importance: High

GET Exam Syllabus

  1. Numerical Ability:
  • Percentages
  • Ages
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Profit and Loss
  • Bar Graphs
  • Power, Surds, Indices
  • Geometry
  • Simple Interest (SI) and Compound Interest (CI)
  • Mixtures
  • Time, Speed, and Distance
  • Probability and Permutations & Combinations (PnC)
  • Time and Work
  • Pie Charts
  • Calendars
  • Functions
  1. Reasoning Ability:
  • Coding and Decoding
  • Ranking and Sequence
  • Abstract Reasoning
  • Blood Relations
  • Syllogism
  • Arrangements
  • Algorithms and Flowcharts
  • Number Series
  • Strengthening/Weakening Statements
  • Relationship between words
  • Visual reasoning
  • Odd One Out
  • Statements and Conclusions
  • Statements and Arguments
  • Letter Series
  • Inequalities
  • Puzzles
  • Cubes/Dices
  1. Verbal Ability:
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Spelling
  • Analogy
  • Sentence Ordering
  • Error Identification
  • Synonyms and Antonyms
  • Sentence Improvement
  • Prepositions and Conjunctions
  • Idioms and Phrases
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Articles
  • Speech and Tense
  1. Domain Knowledge (Technical):
  • Pseudocode (15 questions)
  • Computer Fundamentals (15 questions)
  • Pseudocode:
    • Basic programming constructs (loops, conditionals)
    • Algorithms (sorting, searching)
    • Data structures (arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues)
  • Computer Fundamentals:
    • Operating Systems (basics)
    • Computer Networks
    • Database Management Systems
    • Basics of Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs)
    • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
    • Basics of Cloud Computing
  1. Technical Interview
  • Focus on core subjects relevant to your degree (e.g., Data Structures, Algorithms, DBMS, OOPs, Operating Systems, Networking, etc.).
  • Coding problems (can be language-specific or pseudocode).
  • Understanding of software development practices.
  • Project discussions (internship or academic projects).
  • Problem-solving and debugging.
  1. HR Interview
  • General HR questions (e.g., strengths, weaknesses, career goals).
  • Behavioral questions (e.g., teamwork, leadership, conflict resolution).
  • Questions about the company and why you want to join Hexaware.

1. Pseudocode:

function recursiveFunc(n):
if n == 0:
return 0
return n + recursiveFunc(n – 1)
Output: 15

2. Pseudocode:

function factorial(n):
if n == 1:
return 1
return n * factorial(n – 1)
Output: 24

3. Pseudocode:

a = 5
b = 3
while a > 0:
b = b * 2
a = a – 1
Output: 96

4. Pseudocode:

a = 7
b = 10
while b > a:
if b % 2 == 0:
b = b – 3
b = b – 2
Output: 7

5. Pseudocode:

x = 5
y = 2
while y < 8:
x = x + y
y = y + 2
Output: 17

6. Pseudocode:

function mystery(x, y):
if y == 0:
return x
return mystery(y, x % y)
print(mystery(100, 25))
Output: 25

7. Pseudocode:

n = 1234
sum = 0
while n > 0:
sum = sum + n % 10
n = n // 10
Output: 10

8. Pseudocode:

n = 5
a = 0
b = 1
for i = 1 to n:
temp = a
a = b
b = temp + b
Output: 8

9. Pseudocode:

for i = 1 to 5:
for j = 1 to 5:
if i * j == 9:
print(i * j) 
Output: 1  2 3 4 5 2 4 6 8 10 3 6 Break  4 8 12 16 20 5 10 15 20 25

10. Pseudocode:

sum = 0
for i = 1 to 100:
if i % 3 == 0 or i % 5 == 0:
sum = sum + i
Output: 2418

11. Pseudocode:

function reverse(n):
rev = 0
while n > 0:
digit = n % 10
rev = rev * 10 + digit
n = n // 10
return rev
Output: 54321

12. Pseudocode:

n = 10
count = 0
while n > 1:
if n % 2 == 0:
n = n // 2
n = n * 3 + 1
count = count + 1
Output: 6

13. Pseudocode:

x = 0
for i = 1 to 5:
for j = i to 5:
x = x + i + j
Output: 85

14. Pseudocode:

function f(n):
if n <= 1:
return 1
return n * f(n – 1)
a = f(3)
b = f(2)
c = f(1)
print(a + b + c)
Output: 9

15. Pseudocode:

x = 3
y = 2
z = 4
result = (x * y) + z – y // x
Output: 10

16. Pseudocode:

n = 6
count = 0
while n > 0:
count = count + 1
n = n // 2
Output: 3

17. Pseudocode:

a = 2
b = 3
c = 4
x = a * b + c – a
y = x * c // b
z = x + y
Output: 38

18. Pseudocode:

function mystery(n):
if n <= 1:
return 1
if n % 2 == 0:
return mystery(n // 2)
return mystery(n * 3 + 1)
Output: 1

19. Pseudocode:

x = 100
for i = 1 to 10:
x = x – i
if x < 90:
Output: 91

20. Pseudocode:

function gcd(a, b):
while b != 0:
temp = b
b = a % b
a = temp
return a
print(gcd(48, 18))
Output: 6

21. Pseudocode:

function mystery(n):
if n == 0:
return 0
if n == 1:
return 1
return mystery(n-1) + mystery(n-2)
Output: 8

22. Pseudocode:

n = 100
count = 0
while n > 0:
if n % 2 == 0:
n = n – 1
n = n – 3
count = count + 1
Output: 51

23. Pseudocode:

a = 5
b = 2
for i = 1 to 5:
b = b * 2
a = a + b
Output: 89

24. Pseudocode:

n = 4
a = 1
for i = 1 to n:
for j = 1 to i:
a = a + 1
Output: 11

25. Pseudocode:

function func(n):
sum = 0
while n > 0:
sum = sum + n % 10
n = n // 10
return sum
Output: 27

26. Pseudocode:

a = 5
b = 3
while b < 50:
a = a + b
b = b * 2
Output: 44

27. Pseudocode:

x = 10
y = 3
while y <= x:
x = x – y
y = y + 1
Output: 7

28. Pseudocode:

x = 1
for i = 1 to 5:
x = x * i
Output: 120

29. Pseudocode:

n = 8
while n > 1:
if n % 2 == 0:
n = n // 2
n = 3 * n + 1
Output: 4 2 1

30. Pseudocode:

function mystery(n):
if n == 0:
return 1
return n * mystery(n-1)
Output: 120

31. Pseudocode:

n = 9
a = 1
while n > 1:
a = a * n
n = n – 2
Output: 945

32. Pseudocode:

a = 3
b = 7
while a < b:
b = b – 1
a = a + 1
print(a, b)
Output: 5 5

33. Pseudocode:

sum = 0
for i = 1 to 10:
if i % 2 == 0:
sum = sum + i
Output: 30

34. Pseudocode:

a = 0
b = 1
for i = 1 to 10:
temp = a + b
a = b
b = temp
Output: 89

35. Pseudocode:

function f(n):
if n == 0:
return 0
return f(n // 2) + n % 2
Output: 3

36. Pseudocode:

x = 2
for i = 1 to 4:
x = x * i
Output: 48

37. Pseudocode:

n = 7
count = 0
while n > 1:
count = count + 1
n = n – 2
Output: 3

38. Pseudocode:

x = 1
for i = 1 to 3:
for j = 1 to i:
x = x * (i + j)
Output: 720

39. Pseudocode:

n = 10
sum = 0
for i = 1 to n:
sum = sum + i * i
Output: 385

40. Pseudocode:

function mystery(a, b):
if b == 0:
return a
return mystery(b, a % b)
print(mystery(48, 18))
Output: 6

41. Pseudocode:

n = 6
while n > 0:
n = n // 2
Output: 6 3 1

42. Pseudocode:

a = 1
b = 2
for i = 1 to 5:
a = a + b
b = b + 1
Output: 16

43. Pseudocode:

n = 10
for i = 1 to n:
if i % 3 == 0:
n = n – 1
Output: 7

44. Pseudocode:

sum = 0
for i = 1 to 50:
if i % 7 == 0:
sum = sum + i
Output: 196

45. Pseudocode:

a = 2
b = 3
for i = 1 to 4:
a = a * b
b = b – 1
Output: 12

46. Pseudocode:

n = 9
a = 0
while n > 0:
a = a + n
n = n – 2
Output: 25

47. Pseudocode:

function func(x, y):
return x * y + (x – y)
print(func(3, 4))
Output: 11

48. Pseudocode:

x = 10
for i = 1 to 3:
x = x + i
Output: 16

49. Pseudocode:

function mystery(n):
if n <= 1:
return 1
return n * mystery(n – 1)
Output: 24

50. Pseudocode:

n = 7
sum = 0
for i = 1 to n:
if i % 2 == 0:
sum = sum + i
Output: 12

51. Pseudocode:

a = 3
b = 2
while b < 10:
a = a + b
b = b + 3
Output: 14

52. Pseudocode:

x = 5
y = 3
for i = 1 to 4:
y = y * 2
x = x + y
Output: 61

53. Pseudocode:

n = 10
a = 0
while n > 0:
a = a + n % 2
n = n // 2
Output: 2

54. Pseudocode:
Copy code
n = 5
count = 0
while n > 0:
count = count + n
n = n – 1

1. Pseudocode:

x = 26
y = 14
result = 0
for i = 0 to 4:
bitX = (x >> i) & 1
bitY = (y >> i) & 1
result = result | ((bitX & bitY) << i)
Output: 10

2. Pseudocode:

x = 13 # 01101 in binary
y = 21 # 10101 in binary
z = 17 # 10001 in binary
result = (x & y) | (~z)
Output: -17

3. Pseudocode:

x = 15 # 01111 in binary
for i = 1 to 4:
x = x ^ (1 << i)
Output: 17

4. Pseudocode:

x = 29 # 11101 in binary
y = 15 # 01111 in binary
count = 0
for i = 0 to 4:
bitX = (x >> i) & 1
bitY = (y >> i) & 1
if bitX != bitY:
count = count + 1
Output: 2

5. Pseudocode:

a = 45 # 101101 in binary
b = 25 # 011001 in binary
result = 0
for i = 0 to 5:
bitA = (a >> i) & 1
bitB = (b >> i) & 1
result = result | ((bitA | bitB) << i)
Output: 61

6. Pseudocode:

x = 18 # 10010 in binary
y = 22 # 10110 in binary
z = 27 # 11011 in binary
result = (x ^ y) & z
Output: 0

7. Pseudocode:

x = 23 # 10111 in binary
y = 54 # 110110 in binary
result = 0
for i = 0 to 5:
bitX = (x >> i) & 1
bitY = (y >> i) & 1
if bitX == bitY:
result = result | (1 << i)
Output: 30

8. Pseudocode:

x = 63 # 111111 in binary
y = 28 # 011100 in binary
result = ~((x & y) | (~x))
Output: 35

9. Pseudocode:

x = 15 # 01111 in binary
y = 32 # 100000 in binary
result = 0
for i = 0 to 5:
if ((x >> i) & 1) == 1:
result = result | (1 << i)
result = result | ((y >> i) & 1)
Output: 15

10. Pseudocode:

x = 35 # 100011 in binary
y = 12 # 01100 in binary
for i = 0 to 4:
if ((x >> i) & 1) == 1:
x = x ^ (y << i)
Output: 7

11. Pseudocode:

a = 19 # 10011 in binary
b = 28 # 11100 in binary
c = 14 # 01110 in binary
result = (a | b) & (~c)
Output: 17

12. Pseudocode:

x = 53 # 110101 in binary
y = 47 # 101111 in binary
z = 15 # 01111 in binary
result = (x & ~y) ^ z
Output: 31

13. Pseudocode:

x = 21 # 10101 in binary
y = 10 # 01010 in binary
z = 17 # 10001 in binary
result = ((x & y) | z) ^ (~x)
Output: -5

14. Pseudocode:

x = 9 # 01001 in binary
y = 17 # 10001 in binary
result = 0
for i = 0 to 4:
bitX = (x >> i) & 1
bitY = (y >> i) & 1
result = result | ((bitX | bitY) << i)
Output: 25

15. Pseudocode:

x = 22 # 10110 in binary
y = 27 # 11011 in binary
z = 31 # 11111 in binary
result = (x & y) | (~z)
Output: -14

16. Pseudocode:

x = 17 # 10001 in binary
y = 6 # 00110 in binary
result = 0
for i = 0 to 4:
bitX = (x >> i) & 1
bitY = (y >> i) & 1
result = result | ((bitX ^ bitY) << i)
Output: 23

17. Pseudocode:

a = 19 # 10011 in binary
b = 33 # 100001 in binary
c = 47 # 101111 in binary
result = ((a | b) & c) ^ (~a)
Output: -49

18. Pseudocode:

x = 39 # 100111 in binary
y = 55 # 110111 in binary
z = 31 # 11111 in binary
result = (x & ~y) | z
Output: 31

19. Pseudocode:

x = 5 # 00101 in binary
y = 9 # 01001 in binary
result = 0
for i = 0 to 4:
bitX = (x >> i) & 1
bitY = (y >> i) & 1
result = result | ((bitX & bitY) << i)
Output: 1

20. Pseudocode:

x = 43 # 101011 in binary
y = 28 # 011100 in binary
result = (~(x & y)) | (x ^ y)
Output: -9

21. Pseudocode:

a = 60 # 111100 in binary
b = 13 # 01101 in binary
result = 0
for i = 0 to 5:
if ((a >> i) & 1) == 1:
result = result | (1 << i)
result = result | ((b >> i) & 1)
Output: 61

22. Pseudocode:

x = 47 # 101111 in binary
y = 18 # 10010 in binary
z = 29 # 11101 in binary
result = ((x & y) ^ z) & (~x)
Output: 16

23. Pseudocode:

x = 26 # 11010 in binary
y = 43 # 101011 in binary
result = (x ^ ~y) & (x | y)
Output: 10

24. Pseudocode:

a = 14 # 01110 in binary
b = 19 # 10011 in binary
c = 23 # 10111 in binary
result = (a & ~b) | (c & b)
Output: 31

25. Pseudocode:

x = 31 # 11111 in binary
y = 45 # 101101 in binary
z = 53 # 110101 in binary
result = ((x ^ y) & z) | (~x)
Output: -16

26. Pseudocode:

x = 13 # 01101 in binary
y = 27 # 11011 in binary
z = 15 # 01111 in binary
result = (~(x & y) | z) & (x | ~z)
Output: -3

27. Pseudocode:

a = 9 # 01001 in binary
b = 14 # 01110 in binary
c = 17 # 10001 in binary
result = 0
for i = 0 to 4:
bitA = (a >> i) & 1
bitB = (b >> i) & 1
bitC = (c >> i) & 1
result = result | (((bitA & bitB) | bitC) << i)
Output: 25

28. Pseudocode:

x = 7 # 00111 in binary
y = 28 # 11100 in binary
z = 5 # 00101 in binary
result = ((x & y) ^ (~z)) | (y & z)
Output: -2

29. Pseudocode:

a = 11 # 01011 in binary
b = 19 # 10011 in binary
c = 21 # 10101 in binary
result = (a & ~b) ^ (b | c)
Output: 31

30. Pseudocode:

x = 34 # 100010 in binary
y = 45 # 101101 in binary
result = 0
for i = 0 to 5:
bitX = (x >> i) & 1
bitY = (y >> i) & 1
if bitX == 1 and bitY == 1:
result = result | (1 << i)

NameEmailDepartmentAttemptsMCQ MarksCoding MarksTotal Marks(80)
Maheswaran D21ec055@psr.edu.inECE11411051
Sivakumar K21ec089@psr.edu.inECE11272047
Johnson Jjohnj092004@gmail.comECE1141041
Veera Vignesh21ec108@psr.edu.inECE1146046
Alex christopher J B21ec005@psr.edu.inECE10000
SRIHARAN Mmsriharan2003@gmail.comECE11382058
KRISHNAKUMAR M21ec047@psr.edu.inECE10000
Jayasurya K21ec031@psr.edu.inECE11171027
jeyasuriya kjeyasuriya7676@gmail.comMorning0000
Asvini G21ec012@psr.edu.inECE1144044
Benazeer Fathima M21ec016@psr.edu.inECE11402060
Nithish kumar21ec072@psr.edu.inECE1135035
Venisuvetha Avenisuvetha@gmail.comECE1245045
Hemanth Asrigowtham1415@gmail.comECE1149049
Durga Devi S21ec021@psr.edu.inECE1141041
Narmatha B21ec070@psr.edu.inECE1147047
Sriram Babu T21cs106@psr.edu.inCSE20000
Sridhar Perumal M21ec094@psr.edu.inECE1223023
Parveenkumar M21ec075@psr.edu.inECE1137037
Revathi Vengatasamy21cs088@psr.edu.inCSE20000
Balasubramanian sbala.psr.2022@gmail.comCSE10000
Rajeswari Krajii205125@gmail.comCSE12472067
Ashokkumar Sronalashok2004@gmail.comCSE11331043
Balajothi Kkbalajothi644@gmail.comCSE1132032
Sathyavathi S21ec085@psr.edu.inECE1155055
Rajesh Kdiocrazy95@gmail.comCSE1301010
Jothika Rjothikajothika170@gmail.comCSE11321042
Ashwin Tashwin979149@gmail.comCSE13302050
Gokul Rrgokul3112@gmail.comCSE11382058
NANDHINI Mnanthininanthini708@gmail.comCSE11532073
Muthumuni Smuthumuni2003@gmail.comCSE11452065
Nivetha Rrnivetha003@gmail.comCSE11452065
Harikrishnan Tharikrishnan73832@gmail.comCSE1334034
M. Loga Parvatha Rajakumariarasasuthamathi@gmail.comCSE11492069
Arul Chelliaharul123an@gmail.comCSE10000
Vignesh Abranantham Tvigneshabranantham@gmail.comCSE12401050
Mohanraj Mmohanrj7904@gmail.comCSE21522072
Mathumitha Tthiruppathimathu2004@gmail.comCSE1146046
Nihariha K21cs072@psr.edu.inCSE20000
Akash Lakashlakshmanan1304@gmail.comCSE12472067
Indhumathi Mindhumathi.mm212004@gmail.comCSE11382058
Sriram Babu Tsrisreerambabu03@gmail.comCSE21542074
Latha Rishi Mathi Srishimathi1210@gmail.comCSE1157057
S SHAHANA21cs098@psr.edu.inCSE20000
Syed Mohammed Safi21cs111@psr.edu.inCSE21541064
Archana S21cs014@psr.edu.inCSE21351045
Suvalakshmi Msubaavm2020@gmail.comCSE1142042
Priyadharshini Rpriyadhrashini1403@gmail.comCSE12502070
Dhivya Sri P21cs027@psr.edu.inCSE20000
Gowsalya Pgowsalya30032004@gmail.comCSE11372057
Thilagavathi Dthilaga04112003@gmail.comCSE21391049
Manasha Gminshooky136@gmail.comCSE11512071
Abinesh S21cs003@psr.edu.inCSE20000
Sadhiesh Krishnansatheshkrishnan53565@gmail.comCSE10000
AJITHKUMAR Majithapple13@gmail.comCSE12361046
Afrin Aysha Hhfafrin2003@gmail.comCSE10000
Malesh Kumar V21CS053@psr.edu.inCSE20000
Raabiyathul Misria Rraabiyathulmisria2004@gmail.comCSE21512071
Siva Sakthi Msakthi09msv@gmail.comCSE21371047
Sriwaugh Ssriwaugh0987@gmail.comCSE22392059
RABIN Mmrabinma11022004@gmail.comCSE20000
Nova Sjegannova2174@gmail.comCSE20000
Lavanya Vlavanyavv03@gmail.comCSE2149049
VARSHA Svarshasubbu1709@gmail.comCSE2221021
Vijayasri Rsrivijaya798@gmail.comECE11382058
Srikanth Rsrikanthrajan003@gmil.comCSE20000
Aishwarya Saishwaryaa2105@gmail.comCSE11442064
Lakshmana Pandian Plakshmanapandian777@gmail.comCSE10000
Abinaya Aabiananthi66@gmail.comCSE20000
Jusvanthraja Jjusvanth175@gmail.comCSE21482068
Abinesh Sabiselva254@gmail.comCSE20000
Revathi Vengatasamycsrevathiv@gmail.comCSE2140040
Sudha Ssudhaganesan2003@gmail.comCSE21000
Sattanathan Psattanathanpalanivel@gmail.comCSE22000
S SHAHANAshahana87780@gmail.comCSE2140040
NANDHINI Rcsnandhinir@gmail.comCSE2101010
A.Deepa Lakshmidd0426600@gmail.comCSE2201010
Nagajothi Rjothir239@gmail.comCSE21451055
Dhivya Sri Pdhivyasrisamy28@gmail.comCSE20000
Nihariha Knihariha1824@gmail.comCSE21000
J Mary Nivethajmarynivetha24@gmail.comCSE11452065
Vijaya Bala V21ec115@psr.edu.inECE1145045
S Archanaarchanashanmugavel5@gmail.comCSE20000
Siva Sankari R21ec088@psr.edu.inECE1115015
Ashokkumar C21ec011@psr.edu.inECE11281038
Balavignesh K21ec015@psr.edu.inECE2140040
Mohamed saalik21ec064@psr.edu.inECE11401050
Dharani Vedharaniv@gmail.comECE20000
Metha Manaswini Bmethamanaswini@gmail.comCSE2139039
Vinoth Kumar.G21ec120@psr.edu.inECE1127027
Mahesh R21ec053@psr.edu.inECE1128028
JEYA KRISHNAN R21ec036@psr.edu.inECE22471057
Subramani ksubramani20040104@gmail.comECE10000
Antony vasanth Jantonyvasanth3092@gmail.comECE2137037
Rajkumar Vrajkumarcse18@gmail.comCSE21541064
Malesh Kumar Vmaleshkumar0707@gmail.comCSE21362056
Jeyasudha Kjeyasudha424321@gmail.comCSE10000
Arun kumar D21ec009@psr.edu.inECE1149049
Haritha Mmharitha2604@gmail.comMorning202020
RABIN Mmrabin11022004@gmail.comCSE20000
Meena M21ec062@psr.edu.inECE1229029
Suriyakumar V21ec100@psr.edu.inECE10000
Malathi K21ec056@psr.edu.inECE2127027
Deepshiha Narayandeepshiha2021@gmail.comCSE11452065
Narmatha M2003narmatham@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Anantha priyaananthapriya855@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
A. Vadivel narayanan21ec105@psr.edu.inECE1121021
kartheeswaran kkeswaran186@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Syed Mohammed Safisafi22052004@gmail.comCSE20000
Venkateshwaran m21ec111@psr.edu.inECE1141041
KRISHNAKUMAR Mkrishna742004@gmail.comECE11361046
Gokul Spsrgokul238@gmail.comCSE2146046
Indhumathi Mindhumathimariyappan21@gmail.comCSE10000
RAMAR Vramramar27022004@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Akshayamirtha S21ec004@psr.edu.inECE2144044
surendhar ji.B21ec098@psr.edu.inECE1140040
Dharani V21ec019@psr.edu.inECE21341044
Sheereen Fathimashereen.fathima03@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Ajay R21ec003@psr.edu.in 0000
P MUTHU KANNANmuthukannan883@gmail.comCSE1335035
Mohit S21ee032@psr.edu.inBIOEEE135035
MATHEW ABISHAKmathew2001hero@gmail.comCSE1171071
A. Vadivel narayananvadivelarumugam95@gmail.comECE10000
Angala Eswari B21EC006@psr.edu.inECE1135035
PALANI KUMARkarthipmk998@gmail.comCSE20000
Krishnamoorthy Mkrishnamoorthym2003@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
GNANAJOTHI G21ec022@psr.edu.inECE1143043
Mukesh S21ec066@psr.edu.inECE1137037
Subramani ksubramani2004k@gmail.comECE10000
Madhavan S21ec050@psr.edu.inECE2257057
Daniel Prince Dd.danielprince2003@gmail.comCSE11562076
CHANDRABOSE Gbossc0724@gmail.comCSE10000
Ragu sanjai R21CS082@psr.edu.inCSE21392059
DHULA S21ec020@psr.edu.inMorning0000
Srikanth Rsrikanthrajan003@gmail.comCSE2302020
Kiruthick Balu K21bt010@psr.edu.inBIOEEE0000
Kaleeswaran SKaleeswaran722004@gmail.comCSE1341041
Ponnukutti Kponnukutti52@gmail.comCSE22431053
Sameem Ahamed M Iahamedsameem66@gmail.comCSE21361046
Jinosan kpraveenjinosan@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Aravinth Baravind242003@gmail.comCSE1201010
Shenbagaraj kshenbagarajbm@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Eric Micheal Aericmichealantony@gmail.comCSE11472067
Joshin singhjoshinsingh8733@gmail.comCSE2142042
Naveen Kumar21ec071@psr.edu.inECE2146046
karthikeyan Pkarthikeyan4112004@gmail.com 0000
Somu Rajsomuraj388@gmail.comCSE2319019
Sakthivelmari Asakthivelmari2021@gmail.comCSE20000
Dhayanithi K21bm010@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
solaikannan A21ec092@psr.edu.inECE21261036
Mugesh Vmugeshv33@gmail.comCSE21452065
CHANDRABOSE Ggchandrabose10@gmail.comCSE11452065
Rakesh Krishnarakeshsark007@gmail.comCSE10532073
Deepesh kumardeepeshkumar.p2004@gmail.comCSE11462066
Karthikeyan Bkarthikn20042023@gmail.comCSE10000
Thanga Nithan Prabhunithanprabhu158@gmail.comCSE1154054
Praveen rajpraveenraj18022004@gmail.comCSE2135035
Inbaraj Minbarajeee2003@gmail.comBIOEEE147047
Aadhavan Saadhavan2906@gmail.comCSE11361046
Yogesh Kannanykblissfull@gmail.comCSE1340040
PRAKASH RAJ Pprakash7jar@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Rajamuniyandi Mrajamuniya43@gmail.comCSE21362056
Rajapandi B21cs084@psr.edu.inCSE2146046
Aravinth Bmassaravind248@gmail.comCSE10000
Malesh Kumar Vmaleshkumar0928@gmail.comCSE20000
Kirthick Sakthi Vkirthickprince@gmail.comCSE21531063
Raja Sekar S21ec078@psr.edu.inECE20000
Jayasri Rjayasri2540@gmail.comECE2138038
Sailaesh Aplptsailaesh@gmail.comECE2136036
Muthu Saravanan Msachinsaravana1427@gmail.comCSE2128028
Naren Karthik.smanjulanarenkarthik@gmail.comCSE2143043
Sangili Arumugam Esangiliarumugam2003@gmail.comCSE20000
R.VENKATESH21ec110@psr.edu.in 0000
Suresh Kumar Msuresh9952582603@gmail.comCSE20000
Jeyasuriya kjeyasuriya3545@gmail.comCSE1343043
Gokulraj Agokulrajlab32@gmail.comCSE1147047
MANOJKUMAR Kmanojkandasamy26@gmail.comCSE10000
Vijayalakshmi A21ec116@psr.edu.inECE2145045
Karthikeyan Bkeyan4305@gmail.comCSE11512071
Dhulasi Kumar Adhulasikumar2930@gmail.comCSE10000
AZHAGIRIRAJAN R21ee010@psr.edu.inBIOEEE0000
Manikandan Lmanikandanmk7305@gmail.comCSE11432063
Sangili Arumugam Esangili2025g@gmail.comCSE20000
RENGARAJAN Srengasvpr@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Sailaesh A22lec06@psr.edu.inECE20000
Ulagammalabinaya Mulagammalm820@gmail.comECE2132032
Ram Kumar M21bm033@psr.edu.inBIOEEE0000
Mathana Ganeshan T21ec061@psr.edu.inECE22141024
Ilakkiya GIlakkiyamahes7@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Tamilarasi Mtamilarasibe2004@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Vishnu J2002vishnu2111@gmail.comECE20000
Dhayanithi K21bm010@psr.edu.inBIOEEE0000
Anandharaj Aanandhalagarcse@gmail.comCSE2144044
Yasmin Fathimafathimayasmin37@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Palaniammal S22lec04@psr.edu.inECE2121021
SARAVANA SELVAM Msaravanaselvam2004@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Amirthalakshmi Aamirthaannasamy@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Jayasri R21ec034@psr.edu.inECE20000
Dhayanithi Kdhayancpt111@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
venisha Mvenishamcs@gmail.comCSE21000
Subramani ksubrama456@gmail.comECE1133033
Haridass T21ec026@psr.edu.inECE1147047
VETRIVEL Mvetrivelswaminathan2@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
VIMAL G21EC118@psr.edu.inECE2132032
Pothiraj K21ec077@psr.edu.inECE2235035
Krishnakumar M21ec048@psr.edu.inECE2136036
ANGELSAHAYAM Bangelbillu2004@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Karthikeyan S21ec042@psr.edu.inECE2222022
Jayaram B21ec032@psr.edu.inECE24000
S,M.Subramania kumarmanikumar22489@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Bhuvaneshwari Pbhuvaneshwarip0108@gmail.comBIOEEE119019
Sangeetha Sssangeetha1508@gmail.comCSE2126026
Swetha Gswethagurusamy10@gmail.comECE2141041
C.Hema navanethemhemanavaneetham563@gmail.comECE2125025
Baburaj Sbabu18052004@gmail.comECE20000
Justus Ziegenbalg Jjjziegenbalg15@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Kavitha Mkavisamy0508@gmail.comCSE2127027
vigneshkumar svigneshkumar8902@gmail.com 0000
Arun kumar S21ec010@psr.edu.inECE21232043
KALIRAJ R21ee021@psr.edu.inBIOEEE0000
C.Hema navanethem21ec028@psr.edu.inECE20000
ANGELSAHAYAM B21BM005@psr.edu.inBIOEEE0000
G. Vigneshg.vignesh03122000@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
vishnu j22LEC10@psr.edu.inECE2135035
S.SORNAMALYAselvampriya8778920@gmail.com 0000
Harshitha Sharsitha822@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Gowtham M21ec025@psr.edu.inECE2124024
kishore kumar A21ec046@psr.edu.inECE2137037
Jayaganesan J21ee016@psr.edu.inBIOEEE0000
Chandru G21ec017@psr.edu.inECE21211031
JEYABALAJI L21ec037@psr.edu.inECE21271037
ANGELSAHAYAM Bmbilavendran29@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Maharaja kmahakingmahaking2oo4@gmail.comBIOEEE128028
Arunprakash Jarunpraksh0403@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
karthikeyan Pkarthikey4112004@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Muthu Divya Lakshmi M21ec68@psr.edu.inECE20000
Muthu Divya Lakshmi Mdivipavi0620@gmail.comECE2333033
Vignesh J21ec112@psr.edu.inECE2145045
Nithyasri A21ec073@psr.edu.inECE1144044
Raabiyathul Misria Rraabiyathulmisria1604@gmail.comCSE20000
Merlin Esther Imerlinesther115@gmail.comECE10000
Renuka Devi srenukaseenivasan1103@gmail.comECE10000
Shanmugapriya Mshanmugapriya28504@gmail.comECE2132032
Sudha SAsudhasaran2002@gmail.comECE20000
Sudha SA21ec096@psr.edu.inECE2151051
Abinaya A21cs002@psr.edu.inCSE2131031
Harikrishnan T21CS034@psr.edu.inCSE10000
Pandiaraj S21ec074@psr.edu.inECE1141041
Mariselvam P21ec060@psr.edu.inECE21000
Narayani M22lec03@psr.edu.inECE2146046
sanjay Gsanjay51moorthy@gmail.comECE2124024
NANDHINI R21CS068@psr.edu.inCSE20000
Sivasridharan A21ec091@psr.edu.inECE2129029
karthikraja G21ec043@psr.edu.inECE20000
Jeyapriya Kjeyapriyajeyapriya4@gmail.comECE21411051
ABITHA SHREE Kabithashreekalidass23@gmail.comECE1129029
HARIDASS Tharidass19102003@gmail.comECE10000
Karthikeyan Skkeyan4486@gmail.comECE20000
Karthikeyan Skkeyan4486@gmail.comECE20000
Ajay Rajayajay8838231339@psr.edu.inECE20000
SRI JAYA JOTHI Msrijayajothimariappan@gmail.comPSRR0000
BHANUSRI G21ece001@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
BRINDHA R Abrindhajay2003@gmail.comPSRR0000
DIVIYA Bbdhiviya653@gmail.comPSRR0000
Majeetha Banu K.H21cse024@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
SATHYA S21cse038*@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
NANDHINI Pnandhiniperiyanayagam@gmail.comPSRR0000
PRISHA SIVASANKARI Bprishakavya04@gmail.comPSRR0000
Karthikeyan S21ec042@gmail.comECE20000
BHANUSRI Ggbsri2004@gmail.comPSRR0000
NIRMALADEVI Knirmaladevikannan5@gmail.comPSRR0000
Divya varshini Tdivya.varsh810@gmail.comPSRR0000
SHIVANI R21cse039@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
vigneshkumar svickyviji8902@gmail.comECE2123023
DEEPIKA M21cse007@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
GAYATHRI S21cse010@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
ANITHAKUMARI G21cse001@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
K.Shyamala Devi21cse040@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
VIGNESHWARI S21cse043@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
SATHYA Ssathyasolaiyappan222@gmail.comPSRR0000
Ayesha S21cse004@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
DEEPA S21csee006@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
Malesh Kumar Vmaleshkuar0707@gmail.comCSE20000
JOTHILAKSHMI R21cse016@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
kartheeswaran kkeswaran186@gamil.comBIOEEE0000
ARUNA DEVI G21cse002@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
kartheeswaran k21ee022@psr.edu.inBIOEEE0000
SNEKA V21cse042@psr.edu.inPSRR1000
RAGAMMAL S21cse032@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
BRINDHA R A21ece002@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
DEEPIKA V21cse008@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
SWETHA Gswethaganesan910@gmail.comPSRR0000
K.Shyamala Devishyamalakannan04@gmail.comPSRR0000
ANITHAKUMARI Ganithaaakash3@gmaill.comPSRR0000
ANITHAKUMARI Gragammalseenivasan@gmail.comPSRR0000
GURUSATHIYA T21cse012@psrr.edu.inPSRR0000
GURUSATHIYA T21gcse012@psrr.edu.inPSRR0000
GURUSATHIYA Tgurusathiya04@gmail.comPSRR0000
JEYANTHI V21cse015@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
Karuppasamy K21ec044@psr.edu.inECE10000
SATHYA Ssathyapinky2004@gmail.comPSRR0000
Muthulakshmi M21cse027@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
Muthulakshmi M21cse026@psrr.edu.inPSRR0000
MUTHU CHITRA U.Smuthuchitrau31@gmail.comPSRR0000
DIVIYA Bcomedyworld2311@gmail.comPSRR0000
Maheswaran Ddmaheswaran17112003@gmail.comECE10000
Maheswaran Ddmaheswarn@gmail.comECE10000
Kaleeswari Rkaleeswari090204@gmail.comPSRR0000
Nirmaladevi K21cse029@psrr.edu.inPSRR0000
Nirmaladevi Knirmaladevikannan9@gmail.comPSRR0000
DHULA Sabishekdhula@gmail.comECE2130030
DHULA Sdhulamaha25@gmail.comECE20000
KANIKA Gkanika2832004@gmail.comPSRR0000
Lakshmi Priyabk5634074@gmail.comPSRR0000
Aravinth Baravindbeemaraj24@gmail.comCSE14000
RAGAMMAL Sramyaseenivasa23@gmail.comPSRR0000
Loga sakthi21cse023*@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
JENIFER Ijenifer200418@gmail.comPSRR0000
JENIFER Ijeniferi18022004@gmail.comPSRR0000
Genga Parameswari21cse011@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
Genga Parameswarigengakasi@gmail.comPSRR0000
DIVYA VARSHINI Tdivya.thayanithi810@gmail.comPSRR0000
MALINI Mmalinimurugan1912@gmail.comPSRR0000
SAKTHIVEENA M21cse036@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
MALINI M21cse025@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
SAKTHIVEENA Mskthi10vna@gmail.comPSRR0000
KAVITHA Skavitha181003@gmail.comPSRR0000
Narmatha Anarmatha0110004@gmail.comPSRR0000
INDHUJA M21ec029@psr.edu.inECE1150050
JAYASRI M21ec033@psr.edu.inECE10000
Nagarajan Anagarajan21ee035@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Majeetha Banu K.Hhasanmajeetha@gmail.comPSRR0000
Majeetha Banu K.Hhasanmajeetha@gmail.comPSRR0000
SIVAJOTHI Msivajothi152004@gmail.comPSRR0000
SARANI Rsaranir458@gmail.comPSRR0000
MUTHULAKSHMI Mmuthulakshmi152004@gmail.comPSRR0000
MALINI M21cse025@gmail.comPSRR0000
KAVITHA S21cse021psrr@edu.inPSRR0000
Jayaram Bjayaramchiyaan@gmai.comECE22000
Loga sakthi21cse023@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
Raja Priya.Mpriya400230@gmail.comPSRR0000
Loga sakthilogasakthi7@gmail.comPSRR0000
Tharshini Stharshinis460@gmail.comCSE10000
Pandeeswari Kpandeeswari1502@gmail.comCSE10000
AVANTHIYA Javanthiyaj@gmail.comCSE10000
DEEPA S21cse006@gmail.comPSRR0000
KAVITHA Skavi181003@gmail.comPSRR0000
MALINI Mkavipriya1814@gmail.comPSRR0000
DEEPA S21cse006@psr.edu.inPSRR0000
Arun kumar Sarunsubburaj27@gmail.comECE20000
SATHYA Ssathyayazhini04@gmail.comPSRR0000
Somu Raj ssomuraj@gmail.comCSE20000
Jeyaseelan I21cs037@psr.edu.inCSE10000
sundharakumar ssundharsuresh0408@gmail.comCSE1136036
Balavignesh Kbalavignesh090204@gmail.comECE20000
harini sri21cse013@psrr.edu.inPSRR0000
harini sri21cse013psrr@gmail.comPSRR0000
harini srisri333hhh@gmail.comPSRR0000
Raabiyathul Misria R21cs080@psr.edu.inCSE20000
Thilagavathi D21cs113@psr.edu.inCSE10000
Manojkumr K21cs056@psr.edu.inCSE11461056
Suresh Kumar msuresh777789@gmail.comCSE2219019
MANOJKUMAR K21ec058@psr.edu.inECE11411051
Gowsika M21ec024@psr.edu.in 0000
Vigneshkumar21ec114@psr.edu.in 1000
AYYANAR A21ec013@psr.edu.inECE1225025
AYYANAR Aayyanarak44@gmail.comECE10000
Renuka Devi22lec05@psr.edu.inECE10000
Sangili Arumugam E21cs094@psr.edu.inCSE20000
karthikraja Gklempir6@gmail.comECE2124024
Mahalakshmi R21ec051@psr.edu.inECE1127027
ARCHANA A21ec008@psr.edu.inECE1145045
Vignesh M21EC113@psr.edu.inECE11362056
RABIN Mrabinma11022004@gmail.comCSE21601070
Mahesh Kumar S21ec054@psr.edu.inECE12442064
Vijayaraj Rvijayrajramakrishnan@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Sangili Arumugam Esangiliarumugamesakki2003@gmail.comCSE22451055
jeyasuriya k22lcs01@psr.edu.inCSE10000
Prakash rajprakashraj8205@gmail.comBIOEEE0000
Gowsika Mmgowshika2003@gmail.comECE1134034
Mahendran M21cs052@psr.edu.inCSE10000
Gokul S21cs031@psr.edu.inCSE20000
Aravinth B21CS013@psr.edu.inCSE10000
Aravinth Bcofalef403@inpsur.comCSE10000
Vigneshkumar Vvigneshkumarvj04@gmail.comECE1132032
Subramani ksubrama456k@gmail.comECE20000
Mahesh a21ec052@psr.edu.inECE13000
If 5x3y = 225 x 405, find the value of x2y-3x
Correct Answer: 27
A metallic spherical shell has internal and external diameters as 40 cm and 30 cm, respectively. It is melted and recast into a number of solid cones of 5 cm and height 4 cm each. The number of cones obtained is
Correct Answer: 185
A trader allows a 20% discount on the marked price of the article and gains 11 1/9%. If the cost price increases by 20%, how much discount price should he now give on the same marked price to get the same profit percentage as before?
Correct Answer: 4
If 54 persons can complete ⅜ the part of a task in 36 days, then how many more persons are required to complete ⅔ rd part of the same task in 48 days?
Correct Answer: 18
What is the mean of the mode and median of the data 18, 11, 15, 14, 19, 16, 13, 16, 11, 13, 16, 12, 11, 17, 12, 15, 16, 14?
Correct Answer: 15.25
Amita earns 18% profit by selling an article. If she increases the price of the article by INR60.50, her gain percent increases to 29%. If she sells it for INR 530.75, then gain/loss percent is
Gain, 3.5%
Loss, 1.5%
Gain, 1.5%
Loss, 3.5%
Correct Answer: Loss, 3.5%
In 2018, Madhu saved 26% of her annual income. In 2019, she earned 20% more than she earned last year and saved 25% of her annual income. The amount spent in 2019 is what percent more than in 2018? (Correct to one decimal space)
Correct Answer: 21.6
Pipes A and B can empty a full tank in 12 hours and 18 hours respectively and C is a filling pipe which can fill the empty tank in k hours. When all the three pipes are opened together then 1/9 th part of the tank was emptied in 1 hour. What is the value of K?
Correct Answer: 36
Two solutions A and B contain spirit and water in the ratio 5:6 and 7:4 respectively. They are mixed in the ratio 3:5 in a vessel. In 220 ml of the solution in the vessel, how much water(in ml) should be added to make it a solution in which the ratio of spirit and water is 25:27?
Correct Answer: 40
The time taken by a boat to go to a certain distance against the current is the same as to go the double distance along the current. The speed of the current is 3km/h. How much time will the boat take to travel 57.6Km in still water?
Correct Answer: 6.4
The ratio of two numbers is 8:5. If 18 is added to the first number and 15 is subtracted from the second number then the number becomes 3:1. If 12 is subtracted from the first number and 5 is added to the second number then the ratio of the given numbers will be
Correct Answer: 6:5
A certain sum amounts to INR 16590 in 4 ½ years at 8.5% p.a at S.I. The same sum amounts to INR x in 2 years at 15% p.a when the interest is compounded 8-monthly. The value of x is
Correct Answer: 15972
A field is in the shape of a trapezium whose parallel sides are 104 m and 40 m and other non-parallel sides are each of length 50 m. The area (in m2) of the field is
Correct Answer: 432√41
The total production of type B cars in 2015 and 2017 and type D cars in 2016 and 2019 is what percent more than the total production of type A cars in 2014 and 2018 and type C cars in 2015 and 2019? (Correct to one decimal place)
Correct Answer: 4.5
If x is the lower limit of the median class and y is the class mark of the modal class, then the value of (3x - y) is
Correct Answer: 37.5
A loan of INR 19125 is to be paid back in two equal half yearly instalments. If the rate of interest is 8% p.a and the interest is compounded half yearly, then how much is each instalment (in INR)?
Correct Answer: 10140
Two sarees and three shirts cost INR 5400. With the same money, one can buy one saree and six shirts. Abhi buys 3 sarees and 5 shirts. If he had INR 8500 with him, how much money (in rupees) is left with him after purchase?
Correct Answer: 100
If (x + 10)%of 240 is 60% more than x%of 180, then 15% of (x + 20) is what percent less than 25% of x?
Correct Answer: 16
Mr. Ramu invested Rs. 9000 at a certain rate of interest compounded annually for three years. If it amounts to Rs. 10,890 at the end of the second year, what will be the interest for the third year?
Rs. 990
Rs. 1,331
Rs. 1,089
Rs. 1,210
Correct Answer: Rs. 1,089
The population of a town is 1,21,000. If it increases at the rate of 10% per annum, what is the difference between the population 3 years hence and that of 2 years ago?
Correct Answer: 61051
For the sentence (S1 to S4) paragraph below, sentences S1 to S4 are given. From the options P, Q, R, choose the appropriate sentences from S1 and S3 respectively.
S1: Readability rates the text's condexity in terms of words and grammar, but we're actually more interested in the text’s difficulty in terms of reader comprehension of the content.
S4: In addition to pure literacy skills, comprehension depends on a mix of 10, education, and background knowledge.
P. Take for example, the following two sentences: He waved his hands and He waived his rights where both score well in readability formulae: simple work in short sentences.
Q. Examinees need to study medicine, law, engineering and rocket science in order to do well in comprehension tests But whereas everybody understands what the first sentence describes, you might need a law degree to fully comprehend the implications of the second sentence.
Correct Answer: PR
Choose the most appropriate word to complete the sentence correctly:
Being a doctor, he displays extremely rare quantities of being diligent and kind.
Correct Answer: conscientious
One part of the sentence below may contain an error. Identify the part.
I have to been asked / to keep quiet, / and that too,/ in stern terms
and that too
in stern terms
I have to been asked
to keep quiet
Correct Answer: I have to been asked
One part of the sentence below may contain an error. Identify the part.
Being a child, / I often went/ to the park with my reluctant father, / who is a busy man.
Being a child
to the park with my reluctant father
I often went
who is a busy man
Correct Answer: who is a busy man
Choose the most appropriate word to complete the sentence correctly:
She would have waited for you, __ you were coming home.
if she know
had she known
she must have been
if she would know
Correct Answer: had she known
The following three sentences can be revised into one better sentence. Choose the sentence that is the best revised.
It was already afternoon. The delegates returned. The discussion was resumed.
As it was already afternoon, the delegates returned to resume the discussion.
The discussion was resumed as the delegates in the afternoon returned.
The delegates returned in the afternoon for discussion
The delegates returned for the discussion in already afternoon
Correct Answer: As it was already afternoon, the delegates returned to resume the discussion.
Arrange the different segments to frame a meaningful sentence.
(A) a national flag / (B) in the highest esteem by every patriot / (C) and as such it is held / (D) is a symbol of honour and ideal.
Correct Answer: ADCB
Complete the following sentence by filling in the blanks (1 and 2) with the right words from the options given below:
Some scientists believed that the dinosaurs died because over a period of time their bodies became too big to be operated by their small brains. Large dinosaurs required vast amounts of food and could have stripped bare all the vegetation in their habitat. But this theory was soon __ 1 __. If dinosaurs’ brains had been too small to be __ 2 __, they would not have flourished for 10 million years.
Blank 1:
Blank 2:
1. dismissed, 2. adapted
1. dismantled, 2. discriminated
1. adapted, 2. disrupted
1. disrupted, 2. adapted
Correct Answer: 1. dismissed, 2. adapted
For the four sentence (S1 to S4) paragraph given below, sentences S1 & S4 are given. From the options P, Q, and R, choose appropriate sentences for S2 & S3 respectively.
S1: INS Vikrant was the first aircraft carrier to be designed by the directorate of Naval design of the Indian Navy.
S4: Due to this, it became the first ship to be built completely using domestically produced steel.
P. The Keel for Vikrant was laid by the Defence Minister at the Cochin shipyard on 28th February 2009.
Q. It took a long time to build a warship which was indigenously built by the Cochin shipyard.
R. About 26,000 tons of different types of steel were manufactured by the Bhilai steel plant, Chhattisgarh and Rourkela Steel plant, Odisha.
Correct Answer: PR
One part of the sentence below may contain an error. Identify the part.
Something about the way he spoke stuck a bell in Lauren’s mind.
Stuck a bell
in Lauren’s mind
Something about
way he spoke
Correct Answer: Stuck a bell
Complete the following sentences by filling the blanks (1 & 2) with the right word from the options given below:
Compared with conventional agriculture, organic farming uses fewer pesticides, reduces soil erosion, decreases nitrate leaching into groundwater and surface water, and __1__ animal wastes back into the form. These benefits are __2__ by higher food costs for consumers and generally lower yields.
1. recycles, 2. counterbalanced
1. recycled, 2. increased
1. recycling, 2. balanced
1. recycled, 2. encountered
Correct Answer: 1. recycles, 2. counterbalanced
For the four sentence (S1 to S4) paragraph given below, sentences S1 & S4 are given. From the options P, Q, and R, choose appropriate sentences for S2 & S3 respectively.
S1: With increased globalization comes the likelihood that infectious diseases appearing in one country will spread rapidly to another as was the case with the SARS which broke out in Hongkong a few years ago.
S4: Therefore understanding factors that led to the impact of SARS might help to deal with the possible impact and management of such infectious disease outbreaks.
P. Although it infected some 10,000 individuals, killing around 1000, that did not lead to the devastation of health impact as many people feared.
Q. The rapid spread of infectious diseases is not as great a threat as its impact on the global economy.
R. Outbreaks of more serious diseases could cause catastrophic impacts on the global economy.
Correct Answer: QP
One sentence has been removed from the text below. Read the text then match the missing sentence to fill up the blank:
With its 26 million people, Delhi has been described as a microcosm of India, with trappings from the country’s many cultures, religions and traditions. Centuries of global trade, conquest and colonisation have made the city one of the world’s most multicultural. ___. This is the term residents often call themselves, originating from the phrase ‘Dilwalo ki Dilli’, the place where the people with big hearts live.
My family has been in the spice trade for generations and their main store is in Delhi.
And residents who adapt to this ever-changing culture are embraced as fellow ‘Dilliwalas’.
All the Mughal empire and the English rulers after them, stripped Delhi of all its wealth and talent.
I have visited New Delhi several times and enjoy the food there.
Correct Answer: And residents who adapt to this ever-changing culture are embraced as fellow ‘Dilliwalas’.
Choose the most appropriate word to complete the sentence correctly:
The opposition has lost its advantage due to its endless ___.
Correct Answer: procrastination
Q15. What is the theme of the passage? Our screens are pervasive, so it’s inevitable that our children pick up on this quickly, easily and intuitively. My baby even knew – almost as if by instinct – that by swiping my phone, something would light up. Before he even turned one, he seemed to have picked up on this. We know screens are extremely addictive too, they shape our children’s minds in ways we are now slowly starting to understand. It’s not all bad, but it’s far from good either, and learning how to use screens better, or knowing when to stop, will have lasting positive consequences. How outside influences might warp our children’s thoughts is not a new worry. Similar worries appeared ever since televisions became a staple in family homes. While we know reading is beneficial for a range of cognitive abilities, at the same time, children are growing up in a world where screens are everywhere. Their screen use therefore paints a somewhat worrying picture. Estimates suggest that children aged 0 to two years engage in more than three hours of screen time per day, a figure that has doubled in the past two decades. Another study showed that for school-aged children, 49% had more than two hours screen time, and 16% had over four hours. Screen time can come at the cost of reduced physical activity, increased BMI, and fewer family meals together. It is also linked to less sleep in children as well as adults. Children who have a TV in their room have been found to sleep 31 minutes less per day, for instance. On first glance all this seems alarming, but it turns out that not all TV is the same and watching some educational shows can actually benefit children, but only those aged two and older. Below 2 years, screen time does not have a positive value. Educational TV content has been shown to help improve behaviour, literacy and cognitive skills for three to five year olds.
A. That screen time allows children to learn much more than they do at school.
B. That the amount of time children spend on digital screens is destroying the future generation.
C. That screen time for children is better than study or play, as it allows parents to control their children.
D. That screen time consumption by children must be managed/judiciously in a gain benefit.
Correct Answer: D. That screen time consumption by children must be managed/judiciously in a gain benefit.
Q16. Which of the following statements is not true? Our screens are pervasive, so it’s inevitable that our children pick up on this quickly, easily and intuitively. My baby even knew – almost as if by instinct – that by swiping my phone, something would light up. Before he even turned one, he seemed to have picked up on this. We know screens are extremely addictive too, they shape our children’s minds in ways we are now slowly starting to understand. It’s not all bad, but it’s far from good either, and learning how to use screens better, or knowing when to stop, will have lasting positive consequences. How outside influences might warp our children’s thoughts is not a new worry. Similar worries appeared ever since televisions became a staple in family homes. While we know reading is beneficial for a range of cognitive abilities, at the same time, children are growing up in a world where screens are everywhere. Their screen use therefore paints a somewhat worrying picture. Estimates suggest that children aged 0 to two years engage in more than three hours of screen time per day, a figure that has doubled in the past two decades. Another study showed that for school-aged children, 49% had more than two hours screen time, and 16% had over four hours. Screen time can come at the cost of reduced physical activity, increased BMI, and fewer family meals together. It is also linked to less sleep in children as well as adults. Children who have a TV in their room have been found to sleep 31 minutes less per day, for instance. On first glance all this seems alarming, but it turns out that not all TV is the same and watching some educational shows can actually benefit children, but only those aged two and older. Below 2 years, screen time does not have a positive value. Educational TV content has been shown to help improve behaviour, literacy and cognitive skills for three to five year olds.
A. Educational TV can help learning among children that are under-resourced.
B. Infants have become instinctual when handling cell phones or computers.
C. It is not necessary to limit the time children have with a variety of digital screens.
D. Children who have a TV in their rooms are sleeping less than before.
Correct Answer: C. It is not necessary to limit the time children have with a variety of digital screens.
Q17. Twenty years ago, how much time were children spending on watching screens? Our screens are pervasive, so it’s inevitable that our children pick up on this quickly, easily and intuitively. My baby even knew – almost as if by instinct – that by swiping my phone, something would light up. Before he even turned one, he seemed to have picked up on this. We know screens are extremely addictive too, they shape our children’s minds in ways we are now slowly starting to understand. It’s not all bad, but it’s far from good either, and learning how to use screens better, or knowing when to stop, will have lasting positive consequences. How outside influences might warp our children’s thoughts is not a new worry. Similar worries appeared ever since televisions became a staple in family homes. While we know reading is beneficial for a range of cognitive abilities, at the same time, children are growing up in a world where screens are everywhere. Their screen use therefore paints a somewhat worrying picture. Estimates suggest that children aged 0 to two years engage in more than three hours of screen time per day, a figure that has doubled in the past two decades. Another study showed that for school-aged children, 49% had more than two hours screen time, and 16% had over four hours. Screen time can come at the cost of reduced physical activity, increased BMI, and fewer family meals together. It is also linked to less sleep in children as well as adults. Children who have a TV in their room have been found to sleep 31 minutes less per day, for instance. On first glance all this seems alarming, but it turns out that not all TV is the same and watching some educational shows can actually benefit children, but only those aged two and older. Below 2 years, screen time does not have a positive value. Educational TV content has been shown to help improve behaviour, literacy and cognitive skills for three to five year olds.
A. About an hour and a half.
B. About an hour
C. Not at all
D. About three hours.
Correct Answer: A. About an hour and a half.
Q18. Which word is closest in meaning to the word ‘pervasive’? Our screens are pervasive, so it’s inevitable that our children pick up on this quickly, easily and intuitively. My baby even knew – almost as if by instinct – that by swiping my phone, something would light up. Before he even turned one, he seemed to have picked up on this. We know screens are extremely addictive too, they shape our children’s minds in ways we are now slowly starting to understand. It’s not all bad, but it’s far from good either, and learning how to use screens better, or knowing when to stop, will have lasting positive consequences. How outside influences might warp our children’s thoughts is not a new worry. Similar worries appeared ever since televisions became a staple in family homes. While we know reading is beneficial for a range of cognitive abilities, at the same time, children are growing up in a world where screens are everywhere. Their screen use therefore paints a somewhat worrying picture. Estimates suggest that children aged 0 to two years engage in more than three hours of screen time per day, a figure that has doubled in the past two decades. Another study showed that for school-aged children, 49% had more than two hours screen time, and 16% had over four hours. Screen time can come at the cost of reduced physical activity, increased BMI, and fewer family meals together. It is also linked to less sleep in children as well as adults. Children who have a TV in their room have been found to sleep 31 minutes less per day, for instance. On first glance all this seems alarming, but it turns out that not all TV is the same and watching some educational shows can actually benefit children, but only those aged two and older. Below 2 years, screen time does not have a positive value. Educational TV content has been shown to help improve behaviour, literacy and cognitive skills for three to five year olds.
A. Superior
B. Technical
C. Widespread
D. Specific
Correct Answer: C. Widespread
What did the painter do ___ himself from falling? When he felt the ladder, ___ he grabbed the gutter to save himself from falling.
To save/beginning to slip
To save/began slipping
To save/begin to slip
For saving/began to slip
Correct Answer: For saving/began to slip
___, but could not get it to start this morning.
I have the car serviced yesterday
I having the car serviced yesterday
I got the car serviced yesterday
I get the car serviced yesterday
Correct Answer: I got the car serviced yesterday
In the following question, two statements are given. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements is sufficient to answer the question. Who is elder Mukesh or Mohan? I. Mohan is twice as old as his sister. II. Mukesh was born in the year 1985 and is five years younger than Mohan's sister.
If the statements I and II together are needed to answer the question.
If the statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.
If the statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
If the statement I or II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Correct Answer: If the statements I and II together are needed to answer the question.
A cube is made by folding the given sheet. In the cube so formed, which letter/symbol will be on the opposite face to the face having the symbol ‘%’?
Correct Answer: a
Three statements are given followed by three conclusions numbered 1, 2 and 3. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements. Statements: A. All pinks are flowers B. All flowers are bees Conclusions: 1. Some flowers are pinks 2. Some pinks are not bees 3. All bees are flowers
Only conclusion 1 and 2 follows
Only conclusion 1 follows
Only conclusion 3 follows
Only conclusion 2 follows
Correct Answer: Only conclusion 1 follows
Three statements are given followed by three conclusions numbered 1, 2 and 3. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements. Statements: A. Some keys are locks B. Some locks are chains C. All chains are ropes Conclusions: 1. Some ropes are locks 2. Some chains are keys 3. Some locks are keys
All conclusions 1, 2 and 3 follows
Only conclusion 2 and 3 follows
Only conclusion 1 and 3 follows
Only conclusion 1 and 2 follows
Correct Answer: Only conclusion 1 and 3 follows
Which of the following means atmosphere in a certain code language, if: 1. ‘san pa chan’ means extremely polluted atmosphere 2. ‘han chan an’ means ‘atmosphere is clear’
If the statements I and II both are not sufficient to answer the question
If the statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question
If the statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question
If the statement I and II both are sufficient to answer the question
Correct Answer: If the statement I and II both are sufficient to answer the question
In each of the five pairs of letter-clusters, the letters in the second term is a rearranged/transformed form of the letters in the first term in a particular pattern. In which two pairs, has the transformation been done the same way? P. MASON : AMNOS Q. PARTY : APRYT R. FAULT : AFTLU S. LODGE : DOLEG T. CARGO : ACOGS
Q and S
P and R
Q and R
P and S
Correct Answer: P and R
Two statements are given followed by two conclusions numbered 1 and 2. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements. Statements: 1. All birds are plants 2. Some plants are houses Conclusions: 1. All plants are birds 2. Some houses are birds
Neither conclusion 1 nor 2 follows
Only conclusion 1 follows
Only conclusion 2 follows
Both conclusion 1 and 2 follows
Correct Answer: Only conclusion 2 follows
If ‘A x B’ means A is the mother of B, ‘A-B’ means A is the sister of B, ‘A/B’ means A is the father of B, ‘A + B’ means A is the husband of B, and ‘A % B’ means A is the wife of B. Then how is P related to G in G%Q/R-S+P x T?
Correct Answer: Daughter-in-law
Based on the information given below, answer the following question: The percentage expenditure by a school in different categories is given. It spends 30% on staff salary, 25% on school maintenance, 20% on furniture and other resources, 15% on electricity, and 10% on transportation. Total expenditure is Rs. 13,89,200. How much money is spent on electricity and transport together if the total expenditure is increased by Rs. 36,000 (given, percentage of expenditure on each category remains the same)?
Rs. 356,300
Rs. 208,920
Rs. 347,300
Rs. 139,280
Correct Answer: Rs. 356,300
Statements: A. Some apples are reds. B. All cherries are reds. Conclusions: I. Some reds are cherries. II. Some reds are apples.
Only conclusion II follows
Only conclusion I follows
Both conclusion I & II follows
Neither conclusion I nor II follows
Correct Answer: Only conclusion I follows
Six friends Poonam, Madhav, Ravi, Neelam, Jaya, and Vineet are sitting around a circular table facing towards the centre. What is Madhav’s position with respect to Vineet? I. Madhav is to the immediate right of Neelam. There are only two friends between Madhav and Poonam. Vineet is an immediate neighbour of Poonam but not of Neelam. II. Only two friends sit between Ravi and Jaya. Vineet is second to left of Jaya. Neelam and Madhav are immediate neighbours of each other.
If statement I and II both are required to answer the question.
If statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.
If statement I and II both are not sufficient to answer the question.
If statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Correct Answer: If statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Read the given information carefully and answer the following question. A. 'P/Q' means 'P' is the son of 'Q'. B. 'P+Q' means 'P' is the father of 'Q'. C. 'P*Q' means 'P' is the wife of 'Q'. D. 'P x Q' means 'P' is the sister of 'Q'. E. 'P-Q' means 'P' is the mother of 'Q'. Which among the following expressions is true, if 'M' is the son of 'L' is definitely false?
K-L+O x M/N
L+N x O x M/K
K+N x O x M/L
Correct Answer: K*L+N-M+O
Seven professionals: a Doctor, an Engineer, a Teacher, a Pharmacist, a Lawyer, an Architect, and a Musician live in a hill station, an industrial city, and a historical city. Their houses are painted with different colors like blue, red, green, yellow, black, pink, and brown. The Engineer's and the Lawyer's houses are small in size and located in the industrial city. There are only two houses that are small in size. Only one big house is located at the historical city and the teacher lives there. Musician lives in the industrial city and his big house is painted in brown color. The environment of all three hill stations is very pure and clean. The Doctor, the Pharmacist, and the Architect live in blue, yellow, and pink painted houses respectively. Red and black painted houses are small in size. What will be the specifications of the teacher's house?
Small-black-historical city
Small-blue-industrial city
Big-red-hill station
Big-green-historical city
Correct Answer: Big-green-historical city
There are five friends Anjali, Avinash, Gargi, James, and Mohit having six subjects: Biology, English, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics. Only one passes in all six subjects. Gargi and Anjali fail in Hindi but not Avinash. All friends pass in Biology except Gargi and Avinash. Three friends Mohit, Avinash, and Anjali fail in Physics and Mathematics. All friends pass in English except Mohit. All friends fail in Physics except James. Only Avinash fails in Statistics. Only two friends pass in Hindi and Mathematics. Who does pass in Biology and Statistics only?
Correct Answer: Mohit
There are five friends Anjali, Avinash, Gargi, James, and Mohit having six subjects: Biology, English, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics. Only one passes in all six subjects. Gargi and Anjali fail in Hindi but not Avinash. All friends pass in Biology except Gargi and Avinash. Three friends Mohit, Avinash, and Anjali fail in Physics and Mathematics. All friends pass in English except Mohit. All friends fail in Physics except James. Only Avinash fails in Statistics. Only two friends pass in Hindi and Mathematics. Who does pass in all six subjects?
Correct Answer: James
Which of the following is an operating system?
Microsoft Word
Windows 10
Google Chrome
Adobe Photoshop
Correct Answer: Windows 10
What is the main function of the operating system?
Manage hardware resources
Run applications
Display graphics
Process data
Correct Answer: Manage hardware resources
Which part of the operating system handles the scheduling of processes?
File System
Process Scheduler
Memory Manager
Device Driver
Correct Answer: Process Scheduler
What does the term 'virtual memory' refer to?
A technique to extend physical memory using disk space
A type of RAM
A virtual machine environment
A method for file encryption
Correct Answer: A technique to extend physical memory using disk space
Which of the following is NOT a type of operating system?
Real-Time OS
Batch OS
Network OS
Spreadsheet OS
Correct Answer: Spreadsheet OS
What is a 'deadlock' in operating systems?
A condition where processes are unable to proceed due to resource contention
A security breach in the system
A system crash due to hardware failure
An error in the operating system code
Correct Answer: A condition where processes are unable to proceed due to resource contention
In which layer of the OSI model does the operating system primarily operate?
Application Layer
Transport Layer
Network Layer
Data Link Layer
Correct Answer: Application Layer
What is the role of a 'file system' in an operating system?
Manage the storage of files on a disk
Control hardware devices
Provide network connectivity
Allocate memory to processes
Correct Answer: Manage the storage of files on a disk
Which command in Unix-based systems is used to list files and directories?
Correct Answer: ls
What is the purpose of 'paging' in memory management?
To divide memory into fixed-size pages for efficient management
To cache frequently used data
To encrypt memory contents
To manage file permissions
Correct Answer: To divide memory into fixed-size pages for efficient management
Which of the following is a type of malware that replicates itself to spread to other systems?
Correct Answer: Worm
In a computer network, what does 'TCP/IP' stand for?
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
Technical Control Protocol/Internet Procedure
Transmission Communication Protocol/Information Process
Technical Communication Protocol/Internet Process
Correct Answer: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
What is a 'system call'?
An interface for programs to request services from the operating system
A method for managing hardware interrupts
A command used to manage system files
A procedure for handling system crashes
Correct Answer: An interface for programs to request services from the operating system
What does the acronym 'BIOS' stand for?
Basic Input/Output System
Binary Input/Output System
Basic Internal Operating System
Binary Internal Operating System
Correct Answer: Basic Input/Output System
Which of the following is a primary function of an operating system's kernel?
Manage system resources and hardware
Provide a user interface
Execute application programs
Connect to the Internet
Correct Answer: Manage system resources and hardware
What is 'multitasking' in an operating system?
Running multiple processes simultaneously
Executing a single process at a time
Managing memory usage
Handling input and output operations
Correct Answer: Running multiple processes simultaneously
What does the term 'I/O device' refer to?
Input/Output device
Information/Output device
Integrated/Operational device
Interface/Output device
Correct Answer: Input/Output device
In the context of computer fundamentals, what is 'cache memory'?
A small, high-speed memory used to store frequently accessed data
A backup storage device
A form of external storage
A security feature for encryption
Correct Answer: A small, high-speed memory used to store frequently accessed data
What is the main advantage of using 'SSD' over 'HDD'?
Faster data access speeds
Higher storage capacity
Lower cost per gigabyte
Greater durability
Correct Answer: Faster data access speeds
What does 'GUI' stand for in the context of operating systems?
Graphical User Interface
General User Interface
Graphical Universal Interface
General Universal Interface
Correct Answer: Graphical User Interface
What is 'defragmentation' in the context of file systems?
Rearranging fragmented data to improve access speed
Encrypting files for security
Backing up data to prevent loss
Compressing files to save space
Correct Answer: Rearranging fragmented data to improve access speed
Which of the following is NOT a common type of file system?
Correct Answer: SQL
What does the 'kernel' of an operating system do?
Manages system resources and hardware communication
Provides a user interface
Handles network connections
Executes user applications
Correct Answer: Manages system resources and hardware communication
Which of the following is a function of 'DMA' (Direct Memory Access)?
Allowing peripherals to access memory without CPU intervention
Encrypting data during transmission
Managing system interrupts
Scheduling tasks in the operating system
Correct Answer: Allowing peripherals to access memory without CPU intervention
What is 'virtualization' in computer systems?
Creating multiple simulated environments on a single physical system
Encrypting virtual data
Managing virtual memory
Allocating virtual resources
Correct Answer: Creating multiple simulated environments on a single physical system
In computer networks, what does 'DNS' stand for?
Domain Name System
Data Network Service
Direct Node Service
Domain Network Security
Correct Answer: Domain Name System
Which of the following is a feature of 'UNIX' operating system?
Multiuser capabilities
Proprietary file system
Limited network support
Correct Answer: Multiuser capabilities
What is 'bootstrapping' in the context of operating systems?
The process of loading the operating system into memory
A method for system diagnostics
A technique for file compression
A procedure for hardware initialization
Correct Answer: The process of loading the operating system into memory
What is 'multiprocessing'?
Using two or more CPUs to execute multiple processes simultaneously
Running multiple applications on a single CPU
Managing memory for different processes
Handling network connections in parallel
Correct Answer: Using two or more CPUs to execute multiple processes simultaneously
What does 'RAID' stand for in storage systems?
Redundant Array of Independent Disks
Random Access of Internal Disks
Read Access of Integrated Disks
Reliable Array of Input Devices
Correct Answer: Redundant Array of Independent Disks
What is 'system software'?
Software that manages and operates computer hardware
Applications designed for user tasks
Software used for web browsing
Games and multimedia software
Correct Answer: Software that manages and operates computer hardware
What is the purpose of an 'interrupt' in a computer system?
To alert the CPU about an event that needs immediate attention
To schedule tasks for future execution
To handle data encryption
To manage file system operations
Correct Answer: To alert the CPU about an event that needs immediate attention
Which of the following is a primary function of a device driver?
To allow the operating system to communicate with hardware devices
To manage system memory
To handle network traffic
To execute application programs
Correct Answer: To allow the operating system to communicate with hardware devices
What does 'BIOS' do during the boot process?
Performs hardware initialization and loads the operating system
Manages system memory allocation
Controls network connections
Schedules tasks for execution
Correct Answer: Performs hardware initialization and loads the operating system
What is the function of 'swap space' in an operating system?
To provide additional virtual memory when physical RAM is full
To manage disk space for system files
To optimize file access speed
To handle network data transmission
Correct Answer: To provide additional virtual memory when physical RAM is full
NoNameEmailDepartmentAttemptsMCQ Marks
3Maheswaran D21ec055@psr.edu.inECE1134
5Sivakumar K21ec089@psr.edu.inECE1138
6Johnson Jjohnj092004@gmail.comECE1110
7Veera Vignesh21ec108@psr.edu.inECE100
8Alex christopher J B21ec005@psr.edu.inECE100
9SRIHARAN Mmsriharan2003@gmail.comECE1144
10KRISHNAKUMAR M21ec047@psr.edu.inECE100
12Jayasurya K21ec031@psr.edu.inECE1154
13jeyasuriya kjeyasuriya7676@gmail.comMorning00
14Asvini G21ec012@psr.edu.inECE120
15Benazeer Fathima M21ec016@psr.edu.inECE1139
16Nithish kumar21ec072@psr.edu.inECE1135
22Venisuvetha Avenisuvetha@gmail.comECE1152
23Hemanth Asrigowtham1415@gmail.comECE1147
25Durga Devi S21ec021@psr.edu.inECE1135
26Narmatha B21ec070@psr.edu.inECE1128
27Sriram Babu T21cs106@psr.edu.inCSE200
29Sridhar Perumal M21ec094@psr.edu.inECE1124
30Parveenkumar M21ec075@psr.edu.inECE1131
31Revathi Vengatasamy21cs088@psr.edu.inCSE200
32Balasubramanian sbala.psr.2022@gmail.comCSE1148
34Rajeswari Krajii205125@gmail.comCSE1146
35Ashokkumar Sronalashok2004@gmail.comCSE1137
36Balajothi Kkbalajothi644@gmail.comCSE1136
37Sathyavathi S21ec085@psr.edu.inECE1146
38Rajesh Kdiocrazy95@gmail.comCSE1133
39Jothika Rjothikajothika170@gmail.comCSE110
40Ashwin Tashwin979149@gmail.comCSE1147
41Gokul Rrgokul3112@gmail.comCSE1142
42NANDHINI Mnanthininanthini708@gmail.comCSE1241
43Muthumuni Smuthumuni2003@gmail.comCSE1240
44Nivetha Rrnivetha003@gmail.comCSE1145
45Harikrishnan Tharikrishnan73832@gmail.comCSE1141
47M. Loga Parvatha Rajakumariarasasuthamathi@gmail.comCSE1137
48Arul Chelliaharul123an@gmail.comCSE1127
49Vignesh Abranantham Tvigneshabranantham@gmail.comCSE1143
50Mohanraj Mmohanrj7904@gmail.comCSE2144
51Mathumitha Tthiruppathimathu2004@gmail.comCSE1147
52Nihariha K21cs072@psr.edu.inCSE200
53Akash Lakashlakshmanan1304@gmail.comCSE1145
54Indhumathi Mindhumathi.mm212004@gmail.comCSE1140
55Sriram Babu Tsrisreerambabu03@gmail.comCSE2041
56Latha Rishi Mathi Srishimathi1210@gmail.comCSE1147
57S SHAHANA21cs098@psr.edu.inCSE200
58Syed Mohammed Safi21cs111@psr.edu.inCSE2139
59Archana S21cs014@psr.edu.inCSE200
61Suvalakshmi Msubaavm2020@gmail.comCSE1133
62Priyadharshini Rpriyadhrashini1403@gmail.comCSE1143
64Dhivya Sri P21cs027@psr.edu.inCSE200
65Gowsalya Pgowsalya30032004@gmail.comCSE100
66Thilagavathi Dthilaga04112003@gmail.comCSE2233
67Manasha Gminshooky136@gmail.comCSE1145
68Abinesh S21cs003@psr.edu.inCSE2122
69Sadhiesh Krishnansatheshkrishnan53565@gmail.comCSE100
71AJITHKUMAR Majithapple13@gmail.comCSE1137
72Afrin Aysha Hhfafrin2003@gmail.comCSE1138
73Malesh Kumar V21CS053@psr.edu.inCSE200
74Raabiyathul Misria Rraabiyathulmisria2004@gmail.comCSE2152
75Siva Sakthi Msakthi09msv@gmail.comCSE2142
76Sriwaugh Ssriwaugh0987@gmail.comCSE2142
77RABIN Mmrabinma11022004@gmail.comCSE200
78Nova Sjegannova2174@gmail.comCSE200
79Lavanya Vlavanyavv03@gmail.comCSE220
80VARSHA Svarshasubbu1709@gmail.comCSE2129
81Vijayasri Rsrivijaya798@gmail.comECE1153
82Srikanth Rsrikanthrajan003@gmil.comCSE200
83Aishwarya Saishwaryaa2105@gmail.comCSE1241
84Lakshmana Pandian Plakshmanapandian777@gmail.comCSE1141
86Abinaya Aabiananthi66@gmail.comCSE200
87Jusvanthraja Jjusvanth175@gmail.comCSE2241
89Abinesh Sabiselva254@gmail.comCSE200
90Revathi Vengatasamycsrevathiv@gmail.comCSE2126
91Sudha Ssudhaganesan2003@gmail.comCSE2131
92Sattanathan Psattanathanpalanivel@gmail.comCSE2129
93S SHAHANAshahana87780@gmail.comCSE2145
94NANDHINI Rcsnandhinir@gmail.comCSE210
95A.Deepa Lakshmidd0426600@gmail.comCSE200
96Nagajothi Rjothir239@gmail.comCSE2137
97Dhivya Sri Pdhivyasrisamy28@gmail.comCSE220
98Nihariha Knihariha1824@gmail.comCSE2138
99J Mary Nivethajmarynivetha24@gmail.comCSE1138
100Vijaya Bala V21ec115@psr.edu.inECE1147
101S Archanaarchanashanmugavel5@gmail.comCSE200
102Siva Sankari R21ec088@psr.edu.inECE1118
103Ashokkumar C21ec011@psr.edu.inECE1125
104Balavignesh K21ec015@psr.edu.inECE2134
105Mohamed saalik21ec064@psr.edu.inECE1141
106Dharani Vedharaniv@gmail.comECE200
108Metha Manaswini Bmethamanaswini@gmail.comCSE2132
109Vinoth Kumar.G21ec120@psr.edu.inECE1127
113Mahesh R21ec053@psr.edu.inECE1240
114JEYA KRISHNAN R21ec036@psr.edu.inECE2145
115Subramani ksubramani20040104@gmail.comECE100
116Antony vasanth Jantonyvasanth3092@gmail.comECE210
117Rajkumar Vrajkumarcse18@gmail.comCSE2147
118Malesh Kumar Vmaleshkumar0707@gmail.comCSE2135
119Jeyasudha Kjeyasudha424321@gmail.comCSE1146
120Arun kumar D21ec009@psr.edu.inECE1145
121Haritha Mmharitha2604@gmail.comMorning144
122RABIN Mmrabin11022004@gmail.comCSE200
123Meena M21ec062@psr.edu.inECE1134
124Suriyakumar V21ec100@psr.edu.inECE100
125Malathi K21ec056@psr.edu.inECE2139
126Deepshiha Narayandeepshiha2021@gmail.comCSE1140
127Narmatha M2003narmatham@gmail.comBIOEEE00
130Anantha priyaananthapriya855@gmail.comBIOEEE00
131A. Vadivel narayanan21ec105@psr.edu.inECE1122
132kartheeswaran kkeswaran186@gmail.comBIOEEE00
134Syed Mohammed Safisafi22052004@gmail.comCSE200
135Venkateshwaran m21ec111@psr.edu.inECE1136
136KRISHNAKUMAR Mkrishna742004@gmail.comECE1136
137Gokul Spsrgokul238@gmail.comCSE2129
138Indhumathi Mindhumathimariyappan21@gmail.comCSE100
139RAMAR Vramramar27022004@gmail.comBIOEEE00
140Akshayamirtha S21ec004@psr.edu.inECE2140
141surendhar ji.B21ec098@psr.edu.inECE1134
144Dharani V21ec019@psr.edu.inECE2131
145Sheereen Fathimashereen.fathima03@gmail.comBIOEEE00
146Ajay R21ec003@psr.edu.in 00
147P MUTHU KANNANmuthukannan883@gmail.comCSE1134
149Mohit S21ee032@psr.edu.inBIOEEE00
151MATHEW ABISHAKmathew2001hero@gmail.comCSE1149
152A. Vadivel narayananvadivelarumugam95@gmail.comECE100
153Angala Eswari B21EC006@psr.edu.inECE1134
154PALANI KUMARkarthipmk998@gmail.comCSE200
155Krishnamoorthy Mkrishnamoorthym2003@gmail.comBIOEEE00
156GNANAJOTHI G21ec022@psr.edu.inECE1133
157Mukesh S21ec066@psr.edu.inECE1135
158Subramani ksubramani2004k@gmail.comECE100
159Madhavan S21ec050@psr.edu.inECE2159
160Daniel Prince Dd.danielprince2003@gmail.comCSE110
161CHANDRABOSE Gbossc0724@gmail.comCSE100
162Ragu sanjai R21CS082@psr.edu.inCSE2130
163DHULA S21ec020@psr.edu.inMorning00
164Srikanth Rsrikanthrajan003@gmail.comCSE2137
165Kiruthick Balu K21bt010@psr.edu.inBIOEEE00
168Kaleeswaran SKaleeswaran722004@gmail.comCSE1132
170Ponnukutti Kponnukutti52@gmail.comCSE2238
171Sameem Ahamed M Iahamedsameem66@gmail.comCSE2139
172Jinosan kpraveenjinosan@gmail.comBIOEEE00
173Aravinth Baravind242003@gmail.comCSE100
175Shenbagaraj kshenbagarajbm@gmail.comBIOEEE00
176Eric Micheal Aericmichealantony@gmail.comCSE1144
177Joshin singhjoshinsingh8733@gmail.comCSE2152
178Naveen Kumar21ec071@psr.edu.inECE210
179karthikeyan Pkarthikeyan4112004@gmail.com 00
180Somu Rajsomuraj388@gmail.comCSE200
184Sakthivelmari Asakthivelmari2021@gmail.comCSE2134
185Dhayanithi K21bm010@gmail.comBIOEEE00
186solaikannan A21ec092@psr.edu.inECE2134
187Mugesh Vmugeshv33@gmail.comCSE2140
188CHANDRABOSE Ggchandrabose10@gmail.comCSE1135
190Rakesh Krishnarakeshsark007@gmail.comCSE130
191Deepesh kumardeepeshkumar.p2004@gmail.comCSE1143
192Karthikeyan Bkarthikn20042023@gmail.comCSE100
194Thanga Nithan Prabhunithanprabhu158@gmail.comCSE1148
196Praveen rajpraveenraj18022004@gmail.comCSE2124
197Inbaraj Minbarajeee2003@gmail.comBIOEEE00
200Aadhavan Saadhavan2906@gmail.comCSE1153
202Yogesh Kannanykblissfull@gmail.comCSE1136
203PRAKASH RAJ Pprakash7jar@gmail.comBIOEEE00
204Rajamuniyandi Mrajamuniya43@gmail.comCSE2145
205Rajapandi B21cs084@psr.edu.inCSE2142
206Aravinth Bmassaravind248@gmail.comCSE100
207Malesh Kumar Vmaleshkumar0928@gmail.comCSE200
208Kirthick Sakthi Vkirthickprince@gmail.comCSE2042
210Raja Sekar S21ec078@psr.edu.inECE2126
211Jayasri Rjayasri2540@gmail.comECE2135
212Sailaesh Aplptsailaesh@gmail.comECE2123
215Muthu Saravanan Msachinsaravana1427@gmail.comCSE2233
216Naren Karthik.smanjulanarenkarthik@gmail.comCSE2147
218Sangili Arumugam Esangiliarumugam2003@gmail.comCSE200
219R.VENKATESH21ec110@psr.edu.in 00
221Suresh Kumar Msuresh9952582603@gmail.comCSE200
222Jeyasuriya kjeyasuriya3545@gmail.comCSE1133
223Gokulraj Agokulrajlab32@gmail.comCSE1150
224MANOJKUMAR Kmanojkandasamy26@gmail.comCSE100
225Vijayalakshmi A21ec116@psr.edu.inECE2140
226Karthikeyan Bkeyan4305@gmail.comCSE1150
227Dhulasi Kumar Adhulasikumar2930@gmail.comCSE1240
228AZHAGIRIRAJAN R21ee010@psr.edu.inBIOEEE00
229Manikandan Lmanikandanmk7305@gmail.comCSE1141
231Sangili Arumugam Esangili2025g@gmail.comCSE200
232RENGARAJAN Srengasvpr@gmail.comBIOEEE00
236Sailaesh A22lec06@psr.edu.inECE200
237Ulagammalabinaya Mulagammalm820@gmail.comECE2128
238Ram Kumar M21bm033@psr.edu.inBIOEEE00
239Mathana Ganeshan T21ec061@psr.edu.inECE230
240Ilakkiya GIlakkiyamahes7@gmail.comBIOEEE00
241Tamilarasi Mtamilarasibe2004@gmail.comBIOEEE00
243Vishnu J2002vishnu2111@gmail.comECE200
246Dhayanithi K21bm010@psr.edu.inBIOEEE00
247Anandharaj Aanandhalagarcse@gmail.comCSE2128
248Yasmin Fathimafathimayasmin37@gmail.comBIOEEE00
250Palaniammal S22lec04@psr.edu.inECE2129
251SARAVANA SELVAM Msaravanaselvam2004@gmail.comBIOEEE00
252Amirthalakshmi Aamirthaannasamy@gmail.comBIOEEE00
253Jayasri R21ec034@psr.edu.inECE200
254Dhayanithi Kdhayancpt111@gmail.comBIOEEE00
255venisha Mvenishamcs@gmail.comCSE2131
256Subramani ksubrama456@gmail.comECE100
258Haridass T21ec026@psr.edu.inECE1147
259VETRIVEL Mvetrivelswaminathan2@gmail.comBIOEEE00
261VIMAL G21EC118@psr.edu.inECE210
262Pothiraj K21ec077@psr.edu.inECE210
263Krishnakumar M21ec048@psr.edu.inECE210
264ANGELSAHAYAM Bangelbillu2004@gmail.comBIOEEE00
265Karthikeyan S21ec042@psr.edu.inECE2252
266Jayaram B21ec032@psr.edu.inECE230
267S,M.Subramania kumarmanikumar22489@gmail.comBIOEEE00
270Bhuvaneshwari Pbhuvaneshwarip0108@gmail.comBIOEEE00
271Sangeetha Sssangeetha1508@gmail.comCSE2128
272Swetha Gswethagurusamy10@gmail.comECE2125
273C.Hema navanethemhemanavaneetham563@gmail.comECE2133
275Baburaj Sbabu18052004@gmail.comECE2236
276Justus Ziegenbalg Jjjziegenbalg15@gmail.comBIOEEE00
278Kavitha Mkavisamy0508@gmail.comCSE2231
279vigneshkumar svigneshkumar8902@gmail.com 20
280Arun kumar S21ec010@psr.edu.inECE210
281KALIRAJ R21ee021@psr.edu.inBIOEEE00
283C.Hema navanethem21ec028@psr.edu.inECE200
285ANGELSAHAYAM B21BM005@psr.edu.inBIOEEE00
286G. Vigneshg.vignesh03122000@gmail.comBIOEEE00
287vishnu j22LEC10@psr.edu.inECE230
289S.SORNAMALYAselvampriya8778920@gmail.com 00
290Harshitha Sharsitha822@gmail.comBIOEEE00
293Gowtham M21ec025@psr.edu.inECE2423
295kishore kumar A21ec046@psr.edu.inECE2130
297Jayaganesan J21ee016@psr.edu.inBIOEEE00
298Chandru G21ec017@psr.edu.inECE2225
300JEYABALAJI L21ec037@psr.edu.inECE2128
304ANGELSAHAYAM Bmbilavendran29@gmail.comBIOEEE00
305Maharaja kmahakingmahaking2oo4@gmail.comBIOEEE132
306Arunprakash Jarunpraksh0403@gmail.comBIOEEE00
308karthikeyan Pkarthikey4112004@gmail.comBIOEEE00
309Muthu Divya Lakshmi M21ec68@psr.edu.inECE200
310Muthu Divya Lakshmi Mdivipavi0620@gmail.comECE2130
311Vignesh J21ec112@psr.edu.inECE2144
313Nithyasri A21ec073@psr.edu.inECE100
314Raabiyathul Misria Rraabiyathulmisria1604@gmail.comCSE200
315Merlin Esther Imerlinesther115@gmail.comECE100
316Renuka Devi srenukaseenivasan1103@gmail.comECE1233
317Shanmugapriya Mshanmugapriya28504@gmail.comECE2137
319Sudha SAsudhasaran2002@gmail.comECE200
320Sudha SA21ec096@psr.edu.inECE220
327Abinaya A21cs002@psr.edu.inCSE2130
328Harikrishnan T21CS034@psr.edu.inCSE100
330Pandiaraj S21ec074@psr.edu.inECE1231
334Mariselvam P21ec060@psr.edu.inECE2132
335Narayani M22lec03@psr.edu.inECE210
337sanjay Gsanjay51moorthy@gmail.comECE2224
339NANDHINI R21CS068@psr.edu.inCSE200
340Sivasridharan A21ec091@psr.edu.inECE2137
342karthikraja G21ec043@psr.edu.inECE200
343Jeyapriya Kjeyapriyajeyapriya4@gmail.comECE2132
345ABITHA SHREE Kabithashreekalidass23@gmail.comECE1137
348HARIDASS Tharidass19102003@gmail.comECE100
351Karthikeyan Skkeyan4486@gmail.comECE200
352Karthikeyan Skkeyan4486@gmail.comECE200
354Ajay Rajayajay8838231339@psr.edu.inECE200
355SRI JAYA JOTHI Msrijayajothimariappan@gmail.comPSRR00
356BHANUSRI G21ece001@psr.edu.inPSRR00
357BRINDHA R Abrindhajay2003@gmail.comPSRR00
358DIVIYA Bbdhiviya653@gmail.comPSRR00
359Majeetha Banu K.H21cse024@psr.edu.inPSRR00
360SATHYA S21cse038*@psr.edu.inPSRR00
361NANDHINI Pnandhiniperiyanayagam@gmail.comPSRR00
362PRISHA SIVASANKARI Bprishakavya04@gmail.comPSRR00
363Karthikeyan S21ec042@gmail.comECE200
364BHANUSRI Ggbsri2004@gmail.comPSRR00
365NIRMALADEVI Knirmaladevikannan5@gmail.comPSRR00
366Divya varshini Tdivya.varsh810@gmail.comPSRR00
367SHIVANI R21cse039@psr.edu.inPSRR00
368vigneshkumar svickyviji8902@gmail.comECE220
371DEEPIKA M21cse007@psr.edu.inPSRR00
372GAYATHRI S21cse010@psr.edu.inPSRR00
373ANITHAKUMARI G21cse001@psr.edu.inPSRR00
374K.Shyamala Devi21cse040@psr.edu.inPSRR00
375VIGNESHWARI S21cse043@psr.edu.inPSRR00
377SATHYA Ssathyasolaiyappan222@gmail.comPSRR00
378Ayesha S21cse004@psr.edu.inPSRR00
380DEEPA S21csee006@psr.edu.inPSRR00
381Malesh Kumar Vmaleshkuar0707@gmail.comCSE200
382JOTHILAKSHMI R21cse016@psr.edu.inPSRR00
383kartheeswaran kkeswaran186@gamil.comBIOEEE00
384ARUNA DEVI G21cse002@psr.edu.inPSRR00
385kartheeswaran k21ee022@psr.edu.inBIOEEE00
386SNEKA V21cse042@psr.edu.inPSRR00
387RAGAMMAL S21cse032@psr.edu.inPSRR00
388BRINDHA R A21ece002@psr.edu.inPSRR00
389DEEPIKA V21cse008@psr.edu.inPSRR00
390SWETHA Gswethaganesan910@gmail.comPSRR00
391K.Shyamala Devishyamalakannan04@gmail.comPSRR00
392ANITHAKUMARI Ganithaaakash3@gmaill.comPSRR00
393ANITHAKUMARI Gragammalseenivasan@gmail.comPSRR00
394GURUSATHIYA T21cse012@psrr.edu.inPSRR00
395GURUSATHIYA T21gcse012@psrr.edu.inPSRR00
396GURUSATHIYA Tgurusathiya04@gmail.comPSRR00
397JEYANTHI V21cse015@psr.edu.inPSRR00
400Karuppasamy K21ec044@psr.edu.inECE100
401SATHYA Ssathyapinky2004@gmail.comPSRR00
402Muthulakshmi M21cse027@psr.edu.inPSRR00
403Muthulakshmi M21cse026@psrr.edu.inPSRR00
404MUTHU CHITRA U.Smuthuchitrau31@gmail.comPSRR00
406DIVIYA Bcomedyworld2311@gmail.comPSRR00
407Maheswaran Ddmaheswaran17112003@gmail.comECE100
408Maheswaran Ddmaheswarn@gmail.comECE100
409Kaleeswari Rkaleeswari090204@gmail.comPSRR00
410Nirmaladevi K21cse029@psrr.edu.inPSRR00
411Nirmaladevi Knirmaladevikannan9@gmail.comPSRR00
412DHULA Sabishekdhula@gmail.comECE2134
413DHULA Sdhulamaha25@gmail.comECE200
415KANIKA Gkanika2832004@gmail.comPSRR00
416Lakshmi Priyabk5634074@gmail.comPSRR00
417Aravinth Baravindbeemaraj24@gmail.comCSE120
418RAGAMMAL Sramyaseenivasa23@gmail.comPSRR00
419Loga sakthi21cse023*@psr.edu.inPSRR00
420JENIFER Ijenifer200418@gmail.comPSRR00
421JENIFER Ijeniferi18022004@gmail.comPSRR00
422Genga Parameswari21cse011@psr.edu.inPSRR00
423Genga Parameswarigengakasi@gmail.comPSRR00
424DIVYA VARSHINI Tdivya.thayanithi810@gmail.comPSRR00
425MALINI Mmalinimurugan1912@gmail.comPSRR00
426SAKTHIVEENA M21cse036@psr.edu.inPSRR00
427MALINI M21cse025@psr.edu.inPSRR00
428SAKTHIVEENA Mskthi10vna@gmail.comPSRR00
430KAVITHA Skavitha181003@gmail.comPSRR00
431Narmatha Anarmatha0110004@gmail.comPSRR00
433INDHUJA M21ec029@psr.edu.inECE1139
434JAYASRI M21ec033@psr.edu.inECE1126
435Nagarajan Anagarajan21ee035@gmail.comBIOEEE00
436Majeetha Banu K.Hhasanmajeetha@gmail.comPSRR00
437Majeetha Banu K.Hhasanmajeetha@gmail.comPSRR00
438SIVAJOTHI Msivajothi152004@gmail.comPSRR00
439SARANI Rsaranir458@gmail.comPSRR00
440MUTHULAKSHMI Mmuthulakshmi152004@gmail.comPSRR00
441MALINI M21cse025@gmail.comPSRR00
442KAVITHA S21cse021psrr@edu.inPSRR00
443Jayaram Bjayaramchiyaan@gmai.comECE200
445Loga sakthi21cse023@psr.edu.inPSRR00
447Raja Priya.Mpriya400230@gmail.comPSRR00
449Loga sakthilogasakthi7@gmail.comPSRR00
450Tharshini Stharshinis460@gmail.comCSE100
451Pandeeswari Kpandeeswari1502@gmail.comCSE100
453AVANTHIYA Javanthiyaj@gmail.comCSE100
455DEEPA S21cse006@gmail.comPSRR00
456KAVITHA Skavi181003@gmail.comPSRR00
457MALINI Mkavipriya1814@gmail.comPSRR00
458DEEPA S21cse006@psr.edu.inPSRR00
461Arun kumar Sarunsubburaj27@gmail.comECE200
462SATHYA Ssathyayazhini04@gmail.comPSRR00
463Somu Raj ssomuraj@gmail.comCSE200
464Jeyaseelan I21cs037@psr.edu.inCSE1240
465sundharakumar ssundharsuresh0408@gmail.comCSE1134
467Balavignesh Kbalavignesh090204@gmail.comECE200
468harini sri21cse013@psrr.edu.inPSRR00
469harini sri21cse013psrr@gmail.comPSRR00
470harini srisri333hhh@gmail.comPSRR00
471Raabiyathul Misria R21cs080@psr.edu.inCSE200
472Thilagavathi D21cs113@psr.edu.inCSE100
474Manojkumr K21cs056@psr.edu.inCSE1153
477Suresh Kumar msuresh777789@gmail.comCSE2230
480MANOJKUMAR K21ec058@psr.edu.inECE1230
481Gowsika M21ec024@psr.edu.in 00
482Vigneshkumar21ec114@psr.edu.in 00
483AYYANAR A21ec013@psr.edu.inECE1126
484AYYANAR Aayyanarak44@gmail.comECE100
487Renuka Devi22lec05@psr.edu.inECE100
488Sangili Arumugam E21cs094@psr.edu.inCSE200
489karthikraja Gklempir6@gmail.comECE230
490Mahalakshmi R21ec051@psr.edu.inECE1135
491ARCHANA A21ec008@psr.edu.inECE1133
493Vignesh M21EC113@psr.edu.inECE1241
494RABIN Mrabinma11022004@gmail.comCSE2163
495Mahesh Kumar S21ec054@psr.edu.inECE120
496Vijayaraj Rvijayrajramakrishnan@gmail.comBIOEEE00
498Sangili Arumugam Esangiliarumugamesakki2003@gmail.comCSE2132
499jeyasuriya k22lcs01@psr.edu.inCSE100
500Prakash rajprakashraj8205@gmail.comBIOEEE00
501Gowsika Mmgowshika2003@gmail.comECE1136
503Mahendran M21cs052@psr.edu.inCSE100
504Gokul S21cs031@psr.edu.inCSE200
506Aravinth B21CS013@psr.edu.inCSE100
507Aravinth Bcofalef403@inpsur.comCSE100
508Vigneshkumar Vvigneshkumarvj04@gmail.comECE1331
509Subramani ksubrama456k@gmail.comECE200
511Mahesh a21ec052@psr.edu.inECE100
515Johnson Jjkjohn092004@gmail.comECE1151
516A. Maheshmageshalex41@gmail.comECE1120