1.Other programs like Sum of elements in an array

2.distance between two points 

3.power of a number

4.rock paper scissor

5.prime no based programs

study the sample prime numbers

6.substring programs



Psuedocodes and mcqs

1.To calculate the total sales of a specific product named “A” in Excel, you can use the SUMIF function. Here’s how you can do it:

Copy code
=SUMIF(A:A, “A”, B:B)

2.To rehearse timings in a PowerPoint presentation, you can use the “Rehearse Timings” feature. Here’s how to do it:

Open Your Presentation:

Start by opening the PowerPoint presentation that you want to rehearse.
Go to the “Slide Show” Tab:

On the Ribbon at the top of PowerPoint, click on the “Slide Show” tab.
Select “Rehearse Timings”:

In the “Slide Show” tab, look for the “Rehearse Timings” option and click on it.

3.1. Apply a Design Theme to Multiple Slides
Select Slides:
Go to the “Slides” pane on the left. Hold down the Ctrl key (or Cmd on Mac) and click on each slide you want to apply the style to.
Apply Theme:
Go to the “Design” tab on the Ribbon.
Click on a design theme you like. It will be applied to all the selected slides.

4.In Excel, most comparison operators commonly used in programming languages can be used in formulas, such as:

However, one comparison operator that cannot be used directly in Excel formulas is:

!= (not equal to)

5.The purpose of the “Compare” feature in Microsoft Word is to identify and highlight the differences between two versions of a document. This feature is especially useful when you want to:

Track Revisions: When multiple people work on a document, or if you’ve made changes over time, comparing versions helps you see what has been added, deleted, or modified.

Merge Edits: It allows you to merge the changes made by different contributors, making it easier to create a final version of the document.

Highlight Changes: The “Compare” tool highlights changes in a new document, showing the differences in a clear and organized manner. This can include changes in text, formatting, and other elements.

Review Work: It helps in reviewing the work by showing exactly what has been changed between two versions of a document, which is useful in collaborative environments or when editing large documents.

Maintain Document Integrity: By comparing documents, you can ensure that no unintended changes have been made, maintaining the integrity and accuracy of the document.

6.remaining question given in below image